“Be Bold, Be Brave, and Be Kind”
On a personal note, October the Nineteenth (19th) is the anniversary of the passing of my Dad, Robert F. Allen, and so as a special tribute to him, we unveiled our new website on this day in remembrance of all the sacrifices he and Mom made for the benefit of our family over the past many years. I believe that Dad would be proud of what we have accomplished as a direct result of his insistence that education be a priority building block.
In this day and age where integrity, honor, and sacrifice are words used as a punchline as opposed to a reason for adulation, I find great solace and comfort in reminiscing on how we were raised by a man who exemplified integrity, honor, and sacrifice. Eileen and I have tried to emulate the example set by our parents in raising our family, and hopefully, we have passed along some of that mentality to our daughters so they can improve the next generation of leaders. Dad’s favorite phrase to me was “Be Bold, Be Brave, and Be Kind”—and I used these words in my portion of his eulogy, as well as the foundation to build a successful business that I know he would be proud of today—I hope he is watching & listening.